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This virtual exhibition builds on the extensive research carried out by scholars of sixteenth century Venetian art, history and architecture, above all that of Monika Schmitter, whose research into Andrea Odoni has restored life into the scholarly discussion of this man and his collection.

Further Reading: 

De Maria, B. Becoming Venetian: Immigrants and the Arts in Early Modern Venice. New Haven 2010.

Fortini Brown, P. Private Lives in Renaissance Venice: Art, Architecture and the Family. New Haven 2004.

Schmitter, M. '"Virtuous Riches": The Bricolage of Cittadini Identities in Early-Sixteenth-Century Venice', Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 57, No. 3. (Autumn, 2004), pp. 908-969.
                   – 'Odoni's Façade: The House as Portrait in Renaissance Venice', Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Vol. 66, No. 3 (September 2007), pp. 294-315.

Tafuri, M. Venice and the Renaissance, trans. J. Levine. Cambridge, MA 1995.

Primary Sources:

Marco Boschini, Le ricche minere della pittura veneziana. Venice 1674.

Marcantonio Michiel, Notizia d'opere di disegno nella prima metà del secolo XVI, ed. J. Morelli and G. Frizzoni. Bologna 1884. 

Carlo Ridolfi, Le Maraviglie dell'arteovero le vite de gl'illustri pittori veneti, e dello stato, Vol. I. Venice 1835.

Giorgio Vasari, Le vite de’ più eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori italiani, Firenze 1550, Vol. II. Turin 1986.

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