Portrait of Lodovico Capponi
Dramatically set against vivid green drapery, this young man is standing stiffly, one hand holding a pair of leather gloves, the other holding a cameo of a young women with the inscription ‘fate’. This may be a reference to his love affair with Maddalena Vettori. Dressed in the black and white colours of the Cappoini family, he has pinked sleeves, a black doublet of silk, and a padded codpiece, which show in full force his place in society. Bronzino has not left out a single detail of the outfit and drapery, which provide the portrait with an air of sophistication that is fitting for the subject.
Below: This portrait of Guidobaldo della Rovere demonstrates another instance of exquisite detailing of the attire, including a prominent codpiece, which was especially fashionable during the mid-sixteenth century.