Baldassarre Castiglione -The perfect Courtier.
Baldassarre Castiglione (1478-1529) was one of the major figures of the Renaissance and embodied the perfect court gentleman: elegant, educated, brave and moderate. Lover of the arts, literature and beauty. Alongside his literary activity, he was a leader who took part in intense activities such as planning and implementing warfare. His major and most successful work is Il libro del Cortegiano (The book of the Courtier), a handbook for the perfect Renaissance man. In Raphael’s portrait, Castiglione is represented with a look of composure and elegance. The garments, both dress and hat are appropriately colored black, his shoulders and chest are wrapped in soft brown fur. His hands are humbly collected together, and he calmly addresses the viewer with his thoughtful stare suggesting a high degree of intelligence.