Il libro del Cortigiano - The book of Courtier.

 The book of the courtier by Baldassare Castiglione is a starting point through which it is possible to stabilise the concept of fashion in relation to the codes of society of that time. Published in 1528, The book of the courtier, is the first official handbook for the Renaissance man which examines clothing from a social perspective.

Thus, I think black is more suitable for garments, than any other colour is; and if is not black let it at least be somewhat dark.’

Black was, by far, a more suitable colour for a perfect Sixteenth Century Courtier. However, colourful attires where allowed for public social events, as Baldassarre Castiglione subsequently mentions:

‘And this I say for ordinary attire, for there is no doubt that bright and cheerful colours are more suitable over armour and for gala use also dress might be fringed, showy and magnificent; likewise on public occasions, such as festival, shows, masquerades and the like.’

Il libro del Cortigiano - The book of Courtier.